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Day 5: Giriraj Dandavat Parikrama Musings

  • Another sleep disturbed night due to allergy
  • End up talking to two close friends at 2am undergoing a sort of breakdown and dissolution of relationships and life situations
  • My “advice” (casual suggestion), vandanam (obeisances) to Krsna who has appeared in the form of life-dissolving circumstances: tasyaiva me ’ghasya parāvareśo vyāsakta-cittasya gṛheṣv abhīkṣṇam II nirveda-mūlo dvija-śāpa-rūpoyatra prasakto bhayam āśu dhatte “The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the controller of both the transcendental and mundane worlds, has graciously overtaken me in the form of a brāhmaṇa’s curse. Due to my being too much attached to family life, the Lord, in order to save me, has appeared before me in such a way that only out of fear I will detach myself from the world.” SB 1.19.14
  • It’s all good (as we use to say as kids) because it’s all God, and to that Goodness we should offer our vandanam
  • This was a helpful meditation as I’m struggling with my health, but seem to have just enough to continue the program.    So it all good (although it feels like headache, and hard time breathing, etc.) cuz it’s all God! Sigh.
  • I hear Sacinandana Maharaj got sick the last time he did dandavat parikram and tenaciously carried on. His image is my shelter rn.

Our prayer coach shared with Shea a beautiful image that held me today (and likely in the future). A triangle the apex of which represents a life of sacrifice; and at the two nadir points death and hope. In the center of our triangle is our target: bhāva.