2 min read

Day 13: Giriraj Dandavat Parikrama Musings

  • we reached Radha Kunda after a demon (ie hardcore) shift of obeisances in the morning and evening yesterday
  • This morning at the busiest time we are starting our parikrama of Radha Kunda onward to the last 1/4 of the rite and I’m experiencing the greatest resistance yet!
  • Empirically, we did like 4 plus hours cumulatively so the body just hasn’t recovered and needs more rest. Last night also I started having terrible loose motions. Great! Some sort of stomach flu is onset.
  • Still my resistance is not primarily physical (despite the stomach issue). I take it this might be a little superficial, for wherever the heart/mind is the body generally adapts. I’ve already interpreted physical resistance as representative of a much deeper metaphysical issue.
  • It was more fun when offering obeisances on my own calculated terms; a lot more testing of the will-to-serve when asked to do namaskāra outside the neat and comfortable settings I began with
  • Shea’s sankalpa to close the circle after an extenuating circumstance came up for her lessening her days in the dhama, along with her ekagra mental state to actualize her sankalpa has created a powerful flow in her which I am now dependent upon. (Sankalpa+ekāgra=flow)
  • As SP writes: “As the river flows on till she reaches the sea, similarly pure devotional service flows by the association of pure devotees till it reaches the ultimate goal, namely, transcendental love of God. Such a flow of devotional service cannot stop. On the contrary, it increases more and more without limitation. The flow of devotional service is so potent that any onlooker also becomes liberated from the influence of the modes of passion and ignorance.” [SB 1.5.28]
  • Also another: “Anyone who is trying to be aloof from this Krishna Consciousness Society and yet engage in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is living in a great hallucination, for this is not possible. From this statement by Dhruva Mahārāja it is clear that unless one is associated with devotees, his devotional service does not mature; it does not become distinct from material activities.” [SB 4.9.11]
  • River of grace comprised of the powerful ekāgra sankalpas of bhaktas carrying us to the sea of Completion (Purnatama svayam Bhagavan Krsna or the closing of the circle in context). Just by seeing such a river, one can become liberated (SP) from provincial concerns (like stomach flu weaken body and internal apathy) and dial into the beatific Infinite that truly carrying us all, but who like the thread behind the pearl necklace is often overlooked.