1 min read

Day 10: Giriraja Dandavat Parikrama Musings

  • “I feel like I’m in flow” I say to my inquiring sister when she asked me how I was doing as we past the half-way point at Dhangati and were about to begin the second-half of the rite in the busiest location at the busiest time!
  • This was after an insane day were I did a morning dandavat parikram session, held a program from 150 Russian devotees, then went on full walking parikram, with small ekadasi lunch in between, before we began this night session to meet our daily commitment to prostrations (cuz our morning was cut a lil short so I could tend to the invitation at the Russian program)
  • I should be completely exhausted, not only physically, but mentally. And yet “I’m feel like I’m in flow” is what came out.
  • It was like a tiny experience of a sudden ullāsa of the heart breaking through the damns of resistance and nothing empirical could stop the flow—not a tired body-mind complex; not an insanely packed street where rickshaws and bikes are dangerously zooming passed your head and feet…nothing
  • Like Kunti praying that her devotion flow like Ganga toward the sea of Godhead, a facsimile of what such an experience might be like appeared opened to me this day