Elements of Buddhi-Yoga: The Art of Work
Chapter Two Passage Six (2.47-53):
* Krishna tells Arjuna he’s suited for karma (i.e social dharma) but should
Introduction to Buddhi-Yoga, The Art of Work
Chapter 2 Passage 5 (2.40-46)
* Krishna implicitly prepared the subject of karma-yoga (called buddhi-yoga in this chapter)— that seeks
Contentment versus Complacency
What is the difference between complacency and contentment (santosha)?
In the practice of yoga, santosha (contentment) is one of the
Seed Understandings for Reconciling the Inner and Outer Self
Chapter Two Gita
Passage 1 (2.1-3): Krishna responds to Arjuna’s Arguments
* Krsna responds to Arjuna’s emotionally informed
Gita’s Relevance for a Postmodern World
I’ve started a study group for the Bhagavad-Gita. It happens every Monday at 7:30 Eastern Standard Time. It’
Post Dandavat Parikrama Reflection: Intercessory Prayer
I’ve heard from some well wishers that it might’ve been an imprudence to share my Dandavat Parikram experience
Day 14: Final Giriraj Dandavat Parikrama Musings
* Today is Govardhan Puja and Shea is fixed on closing the circle on this day as our specific puja to
Day 13: Giriraj Dandavat Parikrama Musings
* we reached Radha Kunda after a demon (ie hardcore) shift of obeisances in the morning and evening yesterday
* This morning
Day 12: Giriraj Dandavat Parikrama Musings
* the way up is down; falling (like stick) upward (to the homeland of the soul)
* To be or not to
Day 11: Giriraj Dandavat Parikram Musings
* unlike the previous day, there is no “flow” this morning
* It’s like breaking through one constricting circle of resistance