When Nature Speaks: The Bat

When Nature Speaks: The Bat

The bat, despite its blindness, can fly at high speed with grace, as if dancing ballet, in the pitch black of the night. How? She is in constant communication with her surroundings, using her own cries. The world speaks back to her, echoing her calls, reflecting back the necessary information to navigate. She sees solely based on sound. She can tell the exact location of obstacles to her flight by sound vibration alone. If she were to stop her shrieking to the night for even a moment, she would lose all sense, and her beautiful dance may very well bring her right into a tree, ending for good.

The bat is the guru of how to navigate this dark world using the mysterious and miraculous guidance of crying. Sri Guru and God hear our cries and send necessary information in the form of sound so that we may properly navigate this dark world. They echo our cries for guidance from within and without, sending cries back to us in unlimited ways, śastra (scripture), katha (holy topics), intuition, etc. For someone who knows they desperately need guidance every moment and never stop crying for it, guidance is always available. It is our topmost priority to constantly cry out the holy names and pray to Sri Guru with a humble heart, as if our very life depends on it. We must be keenly aware that we are not dancing by our own strength, but are actually totally blind. Only then can we avoid a tragic crash and fall. We may ask for guidance, thinking ourselves ready to receive, but first, we are asked if we're ready to cry for it.

--recapitulation of sacred talks of my mystagouge (prayer coach)